Phaedra Bell, PhD
After over a decade in education leadership, teaching, leading teams, and developing programs in the arts, humanities, and medical education, I am using these skills to translate neuroscience research into programs and products that tackle inequity in health and education. As an Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Global Brain Health, I worked with colleagues at the UCSF Memory and Aging Center, the Division of Geriatrics, and at Trinity College Dublin to develop protocols for intervening in modifiable risk factors for dementia across the life course with a focus on marginalized older people. With my colleagues at the UCSF Dyslexia Center I am collaborating with scientists and educators across California to develop a culturally and linguistically affirming, multilingual early literacy screener with a focus on dyslexia. UCSF Multitudes will be free to all California public schools for use in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.